Did you have to barricade yourself in your room Friday night when the she-law came to town?

All she did was attack your parenting for the um-teenth time (getting the kids to clean up their own messes) and suggest that her lovely son should continue to rough-house with your dog until he reached the point of attack dog after you politely requested him to stop.

On Saturday did you have to bite her head off while riding in your car with her?

She was only attacking your parenting for a second time during the weekend for allowing her, I mean, your child to wear her shoes on wrong feet… comparing the situation to a third grader in a class that she was a substitute for and wearing his flipflops on the wrong feet because his parents obviously don’t pay much attention to him either.

On Sunday did you really feel that it was necessary to avoid her completely and skip brunch?

After all, she paid and only makes judgemental statements because she loves you and feels obliged to provide personal attacks in the most lovingly of grandparental ways.

Really…you take things too personally!