June 2008


Kelsey came home yesterday explaining that she would be taking showers from now on because baths are for babies. We tried to explain the benefits of baths vs showers and the fact that adults take baths too, but she was unconvinced. Later in the evening she said that she needed a shower, and we asked why since she had just been bathed the day before, and she said, “Some boy threw sand in my hair.” So she took a shower.

Kelsey is a strong willed caring child, she has so much internal strength and energy but is also driven and feeds off the energy of others, particularly her peers. She does not have a particular interest in wearing dresses or playing with dolls. In fact, most days she prefers tag with friends over sitting with her little sister to dress dolls. With that explained, the sand in my hair comment threw me for a loop!

We talked more about the incident this morning…
Apparently, the little boy was “just joking” and probably has an interest in Kelsey. She said that she told the teacher and the little (5 year old) boy was told to stop it, which he did. We did some role playing and practiced words to use in trying to get her point across about not liking sand in her hair. She kissed me and said, “Thank you, Mommy”.

We’ll see how today goes with hopes that our water bill does not increase dramatically as the result of the start of school! I suppose I could send her to school in a shower cap?

My little sweet-pea Kelsey started the school sponsored summer program and is eagerly and excitedly preparing for kindergarten.

She is very excited to go to her “school” everyday and thrilled that kindergarten is starting soon, however everyday she points out as her highlight of the day; the food. She reported back the first day that they served candy in their cereal, she said it was called “Lucky Charms”. The next day I asked her about the cereal and she said that she discovered a new and better cereal with colored cherios and sugar called “Fruit Loops”. And then yesterday she said they had candy for snack time too. She described it as vanilla and chocolate frosting spread on crackers with chocolate chips on top. I have not been surprised with all of these little treats since the trend for school lunches have not been the healthiest and the obesity rate among kids is not the lowest in the United States vs other developed countries. What has surprised me is that my little sweet-toothed child has requested that I start preparing her lunch. She has asked everyday for the past week; could you prepare my lunch today (she has only been in the program for one week and one day). Last night she said, “A salad would be great for lunch tomarrow, could you make me a salad?” Today she said, “I would love some Tomato Basil Soup today for lunch, could you mix some up?”

Perhaps she is making some good food choices based on her healthy diet and upbringing or perhaps she is tired of the crash after the brief sugar high she experiences. In either case I have bought a lunch sack and containers to begin the process of preparing school lunch for her, the beginning of many years I am sure.