Avoidance does not make something go away, it just gets buried deeper inside. So here I am two months later finally coming back to blog. I have not given it up…just managing other projects in my life with less than enough aptitude, so this break has been a long one.

Alot has changed.

Although I still look the same, my family still looks the same. The problems are still the same (the she-law, the preschool debockle for Kylie, letting go of my independent 5 year old-Kelsey, my dog who eats anything and pays for it later, the newly diabetic hubby now attached to a pump). Wow, I summed up the problems in a paragraph! I wish they were that easy to get through.

There is something about the freshness of Spring to help deal with troubles and seemly impossible tasks. Amongst the spring cleaning this weekend I had the opportunity to go through some old pictures of the girls. Notably their baby pictures. I was amazed at the transformations and fondly remember the days holding them and dreaming about them as they would grow and become talking, walking, independent little people. I dreamed about how they would “turn out” and dreamed they would have good sense of humors, be healthy, and enjoy their lives along with other people around them. Reflecting on how they were has helped me to see how they are and who they are becoming. Everything that challenges me is a normal progression of life, I just need to sit back and enjoy the ride and keep snapping pictures along the way.