December 2007

It never fails each year the holidays bring cheer, laughter… coughs, runny noses, and fevers. This year has been no different. Both girls have had the fevers, coughs, runny noses, croup (just Kylie), and yesterday I began to feel feverish myself. Luckily for me I was home with the girls because their day care provider called in sick.

What is it about the holidays?

I think it is the ripple effect of day light savings time.
-less sleep and more darkness and inside time

Or the shop till you drop effect.
-touching infected shopping carts and more people in closer spaces

The stress of overspending and overeating.

Well, at least we had our flu shots so we will not get the flu 🙂

From my family to yours:

Happy Holidays!
May you find happiness and health in the New Year!

Last year I tried, and bought a cheap Advent Calendar with cheap chocolates. The only problem was that I realized two weeks into December that we had been forgetting to open the nasty little things.

This year I gave it a brief thought, and then decided we would skip the Advent disaster of last year.

However, friends, family and others have reminded me of the importance of this occasion. A very good friend actually sent my girls an Advent Calendar in the mail the other day. With a note saying, “I remember the memories of having an Advent Calendar to open everyday as a kid. Enjoy!” My mother bought the girls Advent houses, as well.

It appears that despite my attempts to avoid the Advent Calendar scenerio for my kids, I have been reminded of the special memories and the importance of having traditions and special things to share with each other. I suppose next year I will have to put a little more effort into it.

I was trying to figure out what to get for our daycare provider since she does such a hard and appreciated job for us all year long with our kids. Most years I get her a gift card; one year to Kohls, several years to Barnes & Noble, and a few years fancy chocolates. She has always written a thank you which was appreciated, but it is hard to know what she appreciates the most because she is a very no-nonsense kind of gal. I thought a spa gift card would be cool, but honestly, I don’t know if she would like it?

I did a google search on the topic and found some of “the worst gifts” given, it made me chuckle…

I will probably go with the trusty Barnes & Noble gift card again, any ideas?