November 2007


Kelsey’s official birthday was yesterday, although we had her party with her friends in October. Her celebration yesterday included a party at daycare while receiving the Ken and Barbie Rapunzle set. Kelsey loved it, but Kylie enjoyed it alittle bit more repeating over and over again, “Rapunzle is really beautiful, isn’t she mommie. And Kenny, where is my Kenny doll.” Rapunzle’s hair is extraordinarily long; just like the story goes. Her crown does not come off of her head and has a handle that acts as a lever to hold the platinum blond hair off of the floor. While I don’t care for Barbie and all of the small pieces she comes with, Kylie can’t seem to get enough.

While Kylie was enjoying Barbie and ‘Kenny’, Kelsey enjoyed her store-bought clown cake and movie rental Ratatouille. She enjoyed the movie and popcorn and appreciated a later than normal bedtime. At 5 years old, Kelsey is full of questions and curiosity about everything. Her favorite time of day is in the morning; she seems to have an abundance of spunk during the am. She has a zest for meeting new people and enjoys sharing details with them about her and her sister. She is quite a talker and is not only aware of it, but is proud of it. She has a keen ability to be gentle and understanding with her sister and others who need some extra attention. It is hard to believe that she is 5 years old already, but I am excited to continue to learn with her and share in her zest for life.

Our cabinetry issues are hopefully resolved. That said, Shane made multiple harrassing phone calls to the place, including threatening with a report to the Better Business Bureau. In all Shane made approximately 20 phone calls from last Friday until yesterday (Monday). None of his phone calls were returned. In fact, they appeared to be screening his calls as none of his calls were answered by the secretary.

Yesterday, I was feeling really frustrated with the turn of events and the prospects of abandoning our down payment on the cabinets and starting over with a new cabinetry place. Besides the fact that this bid was half the cost of all of the others. I decided to use my charm and social graces (ha,ha,ha) to delight the owner into completing our project. I made a phone call to the secretary, whom to my surprise answered the phone. I tried to relay our desperation. After I talked to the secretary and requested a return call, Shane called me back. After he doubted that my approach would work and our call was interrupted with an unknown number. It was the cabinet guy, he called me back in less then 30 minutes, and relayed his apologies.

They are at our house right now putting in the cabinets, yea!

I have not had much time to blog lately, except for the angry message to my mother-in-law. Thankfully, there was no part 2 because the second consecutive weekend with her went well.

However, I am writing this message because we are reconstructing our home. More specifically we are putting cabinets in on either side of our fireplace which is in the center of our living room. It is an unfinished wall and unfinished fireplace. The one side will be bookshelves and the other side will be a media cabinet and tv stand. Lastly the fireplace is going to be flagstone (brick). The cabinet sub-contractors are pissing me off. I have a calm exterior, while inside I am reciting every swear word in the book at the bozos who are supposed to be doing our cabinets. They were supposed to be done last week, so that the Brick people could lay the brick on our fireplace (tomarrow!). Honestly over the weekend I was laughing about it, sarcastically envisioning our beautiful new cabinets and brick fireplace in a dreamlike splendor. The drunken stupor is over and now I just want the goddamn things installed.