A post especially for the she-law (for your eyes only and whoever else wants to read it):

Why are you a bitch? I think you take time prior to your visits to figure out a way to make my life miserable…and take special thought in making your evil touch, thoughtlessness, and jabbing comments sting as long as possible after you leave. You believe you are a strong Christian, but you speak negatively and judgementally of every person in your life while you are around me, my family and I am sure after you leave. You wonder why I question your comments and sincerity? Because much of what you say is bull-shit and your opinions are from comments in editorial sections of your local newspaper. You are not unique or genuine and I have a hard time listening and talking to you about my life and my kids when you hold your own value judgements about my “bad mothering” and spread your filthy lies to everyone. You are who you are, but you will not be able to change my children to be “perfect children” in your eyes. Be yourself, but mind your mouth and respect me in my home, or you will not be welcome back.

Part 2 to come Monday…