August 2007

Parenthood brings with it a barrage of choices; breast or bottle, pacifier or thumb, pink or blue vs yellow, spank or logical consequences, organic vs grocery store value brands, and many … many more.

Alot of these choices I have made quickly and easily, even though I struggle with decisions on a daily basis; for instance the question of what to have or where to go for lunch when eating out is quite a painstaking struggle for me and others at times.

The latest parenting decision took quite a bit of thought, dance or gymnastics for the kids. My kids are 3 and 4 years old so my goal of signing them up for extra-curricular activities such as either of these activities is to expose them to exercise and an opportunity to help them better develop their coordination. Both kids know what “dancing” is and love music, but when researching the classes available in our area I became quickly became aware of the excessive price ($45 per month for 9 mths x 2 for the second child plus $120 for costumes x 2). My desire to see the children laughing and dancing in a recital was quickly squashed, maybe next year if we start saving now.

So I began looking at alternatives and gymnastics quickly came to mind. I did gymnastics as a kid for a few years, I was no Mary Lou Retton, so my dream of competing in the Olympics came and went quickly. Putting the dream of Olympics aside, I thought the kids might have fun with it, so I explained to Kelsey that she might have the opportunity to try gymnastics. “What is ‘NYMNATIS’?” she asked innocently. So last night I showed her a somersault, and a cartwheel, and Shane showed her a round-off. And they tried the somersault and quickly fell in love with the idea of gymnastics and have been asking ever since when class starts. Yet another decision made! Sept 5 it starts, by the way, so I am sure there will be more to come on this topic.

They are hilarious!

Between Kelsey falling asleep snoring outside our room last night to Kylie’s insistance when she doesn’t quite follow adult humor, “Whatcha doing GUYS.” It’s the “GUYS” part that cracks me up.

Maybe it is the 11 hour sleep I had last night, but joy and humor are what I think of when my children come into my thoughts (right now).

Sometimes, when they don’t even try, they do the most hilarious things.

The faces and images of the bridge collapse are heartbreaking and difficult, and even now, unbelieveable. The families and the memories made are held even tighter now that loved ones are missing or found lifeless. My heart goes out to familes and friends of victims and those still missing.

As I see the images, in the pictures, the traffic signs no longer standing high over the river, the bridge torn about, I recall my own rides on that bridge. As a youngster we rode over that bridge many times during the year; living in the southern metro and family living in Arden Hills and further north, we frequented that bridge. As a younger child I remember having fear with being on the bridge, not because it didn’t appear sturdy, but because I was and am afraid of heights. I would cover my eyes and hold my breath. The bridge was so high in the air and so long, so so long especially when holding your breath. As a grown up I could no longer cover my eyes, so I would instead avoid looking down. I focused on the traffic signs overhead; “Oh good, University is right ahead.” The traffic signs I remember so vividly, as if I traveled the bridge this morning. It is so unbelievable.

August 1st…Kylie’s birthday…

She is a sparkling three year old with personality over-flowith (pictures to come, I promise). She picked her restaurant, picked out her cake from Coldstone for Saturday’s party (Barbie princess), and away we went home. That is how I want to remember her day.

Fast forward a few moments to an announcement on the radio. “There has been a traffic emergency, late in this rush hour, there is an issue with the 35 W bridge…it has….collapsed.”


“traffic is being diverted”


“Avoid 35W, crews are working to rescue people from the wreckage and the accident.”

How could this happen?