July 2007

The digital camera has done what I fully expected it would. I take the pictures and then they sit in a memory of a world far away from mine and others visual field. Why do I do these things, I ask myself in this private moment in my cube?

The only thing I can think is that I am feeling busy, overwhelmed, tired, and completely enjoying the summer.

Trust me…I have some pretty awesome pictures capturing our summer…the boat, the kids, the vacation, the Teddy (and all of his moments of craziness), soon I will download and share.

I have had a great deal of material lately, but have neglected to blog it…until today.

Last night I set out the slip and slide. The children eagerly screamed in glee… until Kylie stepped on the slip and slide and slipped. She came over to me with innocense in her eyes and said, “Mommy that is slippery.” I said, “Yep, that is what you do on it, ‘slip and slide’ honey.” So she went right over to it and sat on her butt. Then she walked over to me proudly and said, ” Mommy, I did not slip that time.” She followed up her statement with a hand in the air and said, “Give me a high five, Mommy.”

Yesterday Kelsey had the same procedure as Kylie did a few months ago which diagnosed her as having bladder reflux. The whole procedure went quite well, although we will not know the results for a few days. Kelsey was quite a trooper and described the procedure to Kylie when we got home:

Kylie: “What you do at the doctor?”

Kelsey: “There was a tube in me that made me go pee. The tube was next to my butt and it hurt a little bit. The test was to test that my poop is ok. Right Daddy? I watched sponge bob and got two stickers.”

Kylie: “Oh, you ok Kelkie.”

Kelsey: “Yep! I think so.”