June 2007

Ever since I began watching the tv show On the Lot scenarios in my life have been played back in my mind like movie scenes. The show while not all that entertaining has apparently caught onto a neuron in my head.

With this said an event that played out with Kelsey was quite entertaining played back as a movie as I reviewed the event last night before bed.

“There was once a little girl named Kelsey. While her life seemed quite ordinary, simple things in her world became larger then life. Take the simple activity as going to bed…one might think a child of her stature would go to bed quite simply; read story, brush teeth, tuck her in, hugs and then off to dreaming the simple dreams of a four year old. However, there was a whole different world going on behind the closed door that we could see. Apparently when the lights go out and the door closes, the mystery of monsters, gobblins and thunderstorms abound in Kelsey’s little room. The only way to protect her little self from these scary monstrosities is to create a shield of fluffy animals and cover oneself with them. Within the realm of stuffed animals lies a peace and quiet where a child can feel comforted to drift off to dream land.”

I woke up today eagerly anticipating my return to work 😉 after a one week vacation boating, swimming, fishing and some much needed time playing with the kids. It was a beautiful week and we had a blast; no work, she-laws, or chaotic home stuff to deal with.

So today I returned to work. The beginning of my day started at my dentist’s office. I am a frequent flyer through the dental office and am getting to know my dentist alittle too well with my recent surgery and all. I realized that this morning when my 50-ish male dentist said, “Hey Colleen, great haircut!” Only a few more weeks and my dental ordeal will be over (hopefully for a long, long time).

Back at home tonight we made chocolate covered bananas. Some of the left over over-indulgence from vacation perhaps. After eating her second choc-covered banana Kelsey said, “Hey mom, ya know bananas aren’t really dessert!” My response, “Yes, oh yes they are!” No response from her. Apparently she got the picture too…vacation really is over.

The devil’s snacks came to haunt me today during the girls nap-time. I was restfully relaxing next to my mother-in-law as I heard, “DAADDYY!” I initially said, “Kelsey, get back to bed.” But then came to realize it was Kylie. Again I heard, “DAADDYY!” I went up to check only to find my little spider girl up on top of her dresser drawer with an open bottle of cough medicine spilled down the front of her and on her face as her little hands clenched half of a chocolate bunny from Easter, which also covered her face and hands. She sat there almost like a drunken sailor. HMM HMM good, cherry kids robitussin and chocolate bunny, a wonderful afternoon snack.

Between the slight bit of caffeine in the cough medicine and much more in the bunny she did not nap (I should mention, the bottle was almost empty when she got her little hands on it). No coughs today!