We make efforts to spend special one-on-one time with each child, in an effort to encourage individuality and their own personalities. This effort was made easier last week when each of our children took turns running fevers and suffering from similar, but different ailments throughout the week.

As I reflect back on last week and this weekend, 1 thing sticks out…

When we were spending one-on-one time with Kylie, she would ask, “Where’s Kelkie?” And similarly when with Kelsey, she asked, “Where’s Kawlie?” Kelsey actually asked during Kylie’s naptime on Saturday, “Can we wake Kawlie up so she can play with me.” I said, “What am I, chop liver?”

That is when I started to realize that they actually enjoy spending time together. So, in this temporary moment of enjoying my children’s health, I am also enjoying the moment’s of love exchanged between the two of them when the other is absent.

It is so true that absent makes the sisterly heart grow fonder.