Kylie has refused to take her new medication, I tried nearly everything, mixed in juice, Mary Popin’s and her “spoon full of sugar”, water/juice chaser, and nothing seemed to do the trick. Kylie is becoming very savvy to the taste of antibiotics and seems to believe they are no good.

I called the doctor to see if they could just put us out of our misery and hers and supply Kylie with a shot in the butt to take care of the strep. They said we would have to give it a few more doses before going to that extreme.

That is when I remembered a “trick” used in the nursing home to get the Alzheimers residents to take their meds…hide the med in applesauce. I believe they crushed the pills, but I thought this might work for Kylie.

So this afternoon Shane mixed a delicious dessert for Kylie; strawberry applesauce ala whipping cream. My little sweetie was so excited about her new treat she called me at work (actually I think Shane was so excited that he called), but nonetheless we are onto something for a couple of doses at least.