Anyone ever analyzed dreams?

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of a dream, lets face it, often I wake up in the middle of my dreams…due to the sounds of children, my dog, or the snores of my loved one next to me.

Being awoken in the middle of dreams makes me a little bit resentful, being constantly left with cliff-hangers.

There is one dream that I don’t seem to be able to get far from, for some reason.

My recurrent and nasty dream is of gross, moldy, morphed fish tanks where the fish inside are never fed so they are so skinny that they start to eat eachother and then they change shape and appearance (like little monsters).

The most interesting thing about this dream is that the fish tanks are on top of eachother and not reachable so even though the fish food is right next to the rectangular tanks there is no way to get fish food into the fish.

I have had fish in the past, and honestly none of them have lived very long lives, definitely not long enough to result in moldy tanks and morphed fish.