Ever hear your car (ok van-truck in my case) scream for a wash? I know I already posted on my other site about my dirty vehicle, but this moment was too special to skip.

Today I heard the spirit of my vehicle speak…through Kelsey (once again). It sounded alittle something like this (keep in mind she is 4, believes she has the wisdom of a 40 year old AND has quite the nasal drip right now due to the latest virus spreading like wild fire)…

Kelsey: “MOM you need to wash this van-truck, look at that van-truck, it’s not as dirty as ours but almost!”

Kelsey: “Mom did you hear me? Isn’t that van-truck dirty like ours?”

Me: (silent)

Kelsey: “Mom, you know I used to not like the car-wash so much, but I really like it now, maybe we should try to go through it and wash this van-truck?”

Me: “Maybe tomorrow sweetie.”