February 2007

Anyone ever analyzed dreams?

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of a dream, lets face it, often I wake up in the middle of my dreams…due to the sounds of children, my dog, or the snores of my loved one next to me.

Being awoken in the middle of dreams makes me a little bit resentful, being constantly left with cliff-hangers.

There is one dream that I don’t seem to be able to get far from, for some reason.

My recurrent and nasty dream is of gross, moldy, morphed fish tanks where the fish inside are never fed so they are so skinny that they start to eat eachother and then they change shape and appearance (like little monsters).

The most interesting thing about this dream is that the fish tanks are on top of eachother and not reachable so even though the fish food is right next to the rectangular tanks there is no way to get fish food into the fish.

I have had fish in the past, and honestly none of them have lived very long lives, definitely not long enough to result in moldy tanks and morphed fish.

I gave it a go, sex101 with my 2 and 4 year old. I have always believed that knowledge is power, but I guess the knowledge sharing in this arena was lacking. I always figured I would wait until that “teachable moment”. I think I missed my moments, so today during the bath I sprung it on them, vulva and vagina, vulva and vagina (I repeated in my head) and then I said “make sure you wash your butt and vulva.” Kylie went with it, Kelsey was a little unsure of the new lingo. There was surprisingly very little giggling on my part, I was very teacher-like. The only part I burst out giggling about was when I corrected Kelsey saying, “nope, its not your butt, its your vulva…” She said, “Nooo mommy, its my butt.” She looked at me as though I was speaking a foreign language and it was then that I thought to myself, “Vikki rescued me not a moment too soon.” Tomorrow night we will bring out the book. I guess I should feel alittle relieved the question and answer session was short.

It is rediculous to think that in this world filled with crime and a lack of criminal convictions (especially when it comes to vulnerable adult crime) that a mother who through ice out her window into another vehicle was charged and sentenced to two years in jail.


Did I mention no one was injured. In no way am I condoning road rage, but honestly two years in jail with no prior convictions and charged with a felony. This mother of three spent one month in jail, before the sentence was changed to five years probation. Even more horrific about this story is that this woman’s husband is serving his third tour of duty on Iraq, is there no justice?

Ever hear your car (ok van-truck in my case) scream for a wash? I know I already posted on my other site about my dirty vehicle, but this moment was too special to skip.

Today I heard the spirit of my vehicle speak…through Kelsey (once again). It sounded alittle something like this (keep in mind she is 4, believes she has the wisdom of a 40 year old AND has quite the nasal drip right now due to the latest virus spreading like wild fire)…

Kelsey: “MOM you need to wash this van-truck, look at that van-truck, it’s not as dirty as ours but almost!”

Kelsey: “Mom did you hear me? Isn’t that van-truck dirty like ours?”

Me: (silent)

Kelsey: “Mom, you know I used to not like the car-wash so much, but I really like it now, maybe we should try to go through it and wash this van-truck?”

Me: “Maybe tomorrow sweetie.”

Imagine yourself, if you can, rushing past amazingly very little traffic, through a stop sign (oops!) you have stopped at since they put it in 6 years ago, just to get to a restaurant “before the Valentine’s evening rush” so we didn’t have to wait with two young kids.

I cannot imagine why I would have done it, besides the fact that I feel I have been rushing through life since having kids.

Life is a rush as soon as we get up in the morning, to either get ourselves dressed before the kids get up or make sure the kids are dressed in a ‘rush, rush’ fashion before being late to daycare.

After work there is a rush to get to daycare to pick up the kids and ensure that I am not late which would result in paying overtime (and I am cheap!).

And then when we get home there is a rush to feed the dog and get dinner ready so we have some time after dinner to relax and play with the kids.

Then there is a rush to get the kids to bed so we can relax for an hour or two before rushing to go to bed so we can start the whole routine again the next day.

Is this what it is all about, or do I just need a vacation?

Hack, Hack, gag…hack, hack, gag…mommie! Hack, hack, hack, gag, gag MOMMIE! These are the sounds of my single parenting Monday evening (Shane has class Monday’s now).

Poor Kylie is suffering from the hack, hack, gag syndrome (otherwise known as Croup). I cleaned out Target’s over the counter toddler cough medicine and even got carded in hopes that they’ve made some miraculous advances in medicine for babies/ toddlers to help them get over the crud without going to the doctor. Don’t get me wrong, the doctor is great if there is an infection, but when it is just a virus we usually end up leaving with more bacteria then we originally went in with.

So if I am not at work, you will all know why. Although as of yet, there is no fever, so technically she is safe to be at daycare.

With Valentine’s Day lurking, I was thinking of Valentine’s Days from the past while driving to work this morning…and I chuckled…my memories include some goofy but heartfelt gifts from Shane.

This is a tribute to Valentine’s Day past (one thing to keep in mind is that they were all appreciated-some more than others)…

1994 Roses
1995 Dinner
1996 Darts
1997 Engagement Ring
1998 Nothing (?)
1999 Flowers
2000 Dinner and movie
2001 Dinner and movie
2002 Gift Card for Target
2003 Pots and Pans (We had just bought new pots and pans)
2004 Gift Card for Best Buy
2005 Car Air Freshener
2006 We agreed to skip gifts

It is a busy work week. Not terrible, just busy. Hence the lack of blogging activity on my part.

So with being busy comes a lack of patience on my part for stupid people. I am not talking directly about my client’s, actually I am talking about other helping professionals who are helping-less.

I have a situation at work where I am working with a task force- pretty cool idea really, unless you end up being the work horse. But that is not really my gripe, today I called to schedule an appointment for my client- it was a phone call to my own county office and you know what they had to say; “How old is the client?” After I responded, the person said the most profound thing, “They are old enough to be calling for themselves, I am unable to schedule that for you.” My thought, “Nice!” What I actually said because it was the end of a very long day, “this is (my name) and you will schedule the appointment for my very vulnerable client.” Their response, “Oh, ok.”

So tonight the walking over continues after I just tried to pry a sock out of my dog’s throat (what the hell is he thinking?). He is fine, but we will find the remnants in the yard in the next week.

My brush with local fame has been few and far between, it starts and stops with Belinda Jensen, a local weather forecaster on KARE 11 and K102.

I met her two years ago at Southdale Mall after the kids first visit with Santa. The visit ended in tears just as it did this year so we went to Daytons, or Marshal Field’s now Macy’s, for ice cream and a sandwich wrap. We walked in and low and behold Belinda Jensen was right in front of us in line. I guess I was a little star struck and did not say too much, but she turned around and saw Kelsey’s santa hat and said, “You must have seen Santa.” Kelsey nodded yes and I said, “Yup, it did not go well, they suffered a few tears.” Belinda said, “My son did not do well either.” Then we exchanged a few more words and our ways parted

So it was a short encounter, but she seemed very down-to-earth and nice. So I have remembered our encounter and have secretly wished all the best for Belinda, since she was so nice to us that December day.

This morning, while listening to K102, it came out that Belinda is having another baby. From what little I know about Belinda from our encounter, she seems like a very nice and friendly person, and I am sure she is a great mom, so #2 is lucky.