January 2007

I would say I have a typical dysfunctual, but functioning family.

My mom called me today to notify me that she has surgery scheduled for March 9th, for a hip replacement. She really needs the surgery so I am happy for her, but she is only 63 (she seems to young to need replacement parts).

In my typical supportive daughter voice I said, “Mom I am so happy for you, let us know if there is anything you need help with.” Meaning, ‘Hey mom just let me know which nursing home you’d like to rehab at, I will give you a ride?’

My mom said, “Well the day of surgery, I think, is my day to watch the kids?”

I said, “Don’t worry about that, you just get healed up, how long will you be staying in the hospital?”

Mom said, “Three days.”

I was thinking, ‘Oh good Medicare will pay for the nursing home.’
But I said, “That s not very long, have you thought of rehab facilities where you can get some extra therapy, you know therapy is VERY important following surgery.”

Mom said, “Oh I was thinking if I needed some extra help I could stay at your house in your playroom futon.”

I said, “….(silence)”

Mom said, “That would be ok, right?”

I said, “I would just hate for you to miss your opportunity of a GREAT rehab facility.”

Mom said, “I don’t think I will be needing that. I may even be able to go home.”

One thing I will say about my mom’s home, ever so gently, is that it is not in good shape(it is messy!)…enough said. I do not want to see a self-neglect report run across my desk, of my not-yet-a vulnerable adult mother.

I told my mom, “If your planning to go home and you are having home-care, you better start cleaning NOW!”

Enough said…

I received this in my e-mail today from Bath and Body.

If you need Red Hot Passion, wood and spice candles live it up!

For me, I don’t think I am mature enough to be getting these type of advertisements, Valentine’s Day or not, because it makes me giggle and blush!

The car ride home from daycare offers a world of enjoyment most days. Yesterday afternoon was no different…

Kelsey: Mommy, I found Jesus!

Me: Great honey, where.

Kelsey: Right over there! (pointing in the direction of a nativity scene)

Me: Very nice honey.

Kylie: I see him over there. (pointing to a forest of trees)

Kelsey: Do you see him mommy, over there in the trees?

Me: No, but I am sure you do, he is everywhere isn’t he?

Kelsey: yup!

Now if my kids start seeing Mary we might have something for the arch diocese to check into!

I see you now and remember you then.

If I had been asleep for the last four years I would still recognize you because when I look in your eyes, I see my own.

Your personality has grown and you have such wit and candor, it oftens surprises me.

You are not one to give up, which tires us some evenings because you are so tenacious and have such pride in your accomplishments.

Your innocense is unmasked and your joy unyielding.

You are my little girl and the joy you spread is contagious!

Discoveries include;

1. Teddy is a wonderful nurse- he has been checking on me frequently including smelling my mouth to ensure proper healing is taking place.

2. Despite multiple attempts and reminders to the kids; they still believe their needs are first and foremost.

3. I am having a hard time feeling so tired, I don’t know if it was the blood loss or just having a hard time sleeping at night, but I can only go for a few hours before feeling exhausted.

4. Extra Strenth Tylenol is much better than hydrocodone.

5. Surprisingly ice and ice cream hurts, but french silk pie works just fine.

Have a good weekend!

I was prescribed hydrocodone for pain following the dental surgery yesterday. And I took one yesterday during the day, it actually seemed to help the pain. The thing I always forget about medications is that the intended aim has unintended side-effects. Like with cold medication and now I will add hydrocodone, I get so very tired, but cannot actually fall asleep until the stuff is out of my system. I tried to find a picture online of how I felt last night, I choose to describe it instead of post it. It includes a circle of a face with two stars for eyes. I was so completely out of it. Who likes that? Definitely not me…

So today I am relying on a cocktail of 3 ibuprofin for swelling and 1 extra strength tylenol for pain. I am starting to feel “normal” again, despite the pain still being present on one side. At least I am feeling better than this morning when I would have told you that a semi ran over my mouth during the night. The swelling is pretty significant on one side (where they did more drilling), so I hope as the weekend continues my mouth starts to feel like my mouth again. I suppose this could be a consideration for a weight loss technique, because food is really the last thing on my mind.

If you have a weak stomach or gross out easily- don’t read what I am about to write.

This morning was the big procedure/ surgery at the dentist. I have never been particularly fearful of the dentist, but this morning I was scared. They must have read it on my face too because they suggested the gas. My dentist said, “After 34 years of dentistry, I have never had one patient complaign about the gas, its good, take it.” He was very encouraging and sweet and I needed that. I just have to add Shane’s comment last night, “Honey you are alittle uptight anyways, gas probably wouldn’t hurt you!”

So there I was with gas hose on my nose, I think they even got a picture, it must have been a very pretty picture. And they started. Then the novacane shots (about 10 total). Next, he took off my old bridges, with a chisel and hammer (oh my), but that was just the start of the fun to come.

The drilling began next, and I was just waiting for him to say, “oh, oh, she’s a bleeder!” And I was, really! Blood was splattering, thank goodness the assistant was there to wipe away the residue. There was more drilling, and more ex-rays, and glances between the two of them. The glances were a bit scary. And it turns out they got quite close to one of my existing roots which would not have been good. Anyway. The first one got stitched up, and the second one went well (drilling and all). And I survived.

They told me I was a good patient, “you did very well!” I said, “The gas certainly helped!” And they reported the procedure went exactly as planned.

So now I am at home, having just took my first dose of oxycodone, and getting a little drowsy. So I am going to go rest with Teddy. Have a good day everyone. Thanks for the good wishes.

This afternoon I witnessed a heartwarming event at daycare. Kelsey gave her best friend Maya a big hug and Maya asked me if Kelsey could come over to play. I have witnessed this before with the two of them, but this time Maya came armed with a formal invite from her mom. It was very sweet. It read; my name is Maya, I am four years old, my favorite color is pink, my best friend is Kelsey, and I like pancakes. It touched my heart. Maya’s mom wrote; we would love for Kelsey to come over the weekend of Feb 3rd, please call us to schedule it.

I am sure it is the first of many “formal playdates” for Kelsey. Keeping Kylie away will prove to be difficult, but Kelsey and Maya are very sweet together.

I actually do not think it needs to be questioned, and astoundingly I still have a hard time believing that he is still our president.

I almost feel like I have woken after a long nap into a nightmare called hell.

With a very long State of the Union speech ahead, about all the reasons we need war, I am feeling a little ill.

I listened to Hillary Clinton this morning. It sounds like it could be a very interesting election year! Hopefully the democrats do not ruin their chances, although I feel a slight bit hopeful that there will be some excellent options this time around.

This is what I overheard in the car this morning. Sometimes they just work it our between themselves…

Kylie: La, la, la (singing to the song).

Kelsey: Kylie stop yelling, you are hurting my ears (yelling).

Kylie: I am not yelling. La, la, la. (still singing).

Kelsey: If you keep yelling I am going to get mad (yelling).

Kylie: I am not yelling.

Kelsey: If I get angry, you will not be my sister any longer!

Kylie: What?

Kelsey: Stop yelling, you are making me angry, and if that happens you won’t be my sister any more!

Kylie: oh…

Kelsey has quite the spit-fire personality as you can see.

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